Bryansk, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
employee from 01.01.1996 until now
Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
GRNTI 47.01 Общие вопросы электроники и радиотехники
BBK 302 Проектирование
The analysis of some circuitry options that contribute to reducing the ripple of the light flux is carried out, as well as the modeling of the simplest and most intuitive LED lamp circuits for a more qualitative assessment of the result in the form of the given dependence of the ripple coefficient on the total capacitance of the capacitors included in the filter circuit.
energy saving, ripple coefficient, modeling, circuitry, voltage converters
1. Mahlin, A. Osobennosti proektirovaniya bloka pitaniya dlya svetodiodnyh lamp // Poluprovodnikovaya svetotehnika. – 2011. – № 1.
2. Sravnenie svetodiodnyh lamp s lyuminescentnymi, galogennymi i lampami nakalivaniya [Elektronnyy resurs]. – Elektron. tekst. i graf. dannye. – URL:
3. GOST 17677-82. Svetil'niki. Obschie tehnicheskie usloviya. – Moskva: Izd-vo standartov, 2002. – 69 s.
4. Vstavskaya, E.V. Postroenie istochnikov toka dlya pitaniya svetodiodov na baze struktury obratnohodovogo preobrazovatelya / V.I. Konstantinov, M. Pozhiday // Poluprovodnikovaya svetotehnika. – 2012. – №1.