Smolensk, Russian Federation
GRNTI 47.01 Общие вопросы электроники и радиотехники
BBK 302 Проектирование
The materials on the development of asynchronous electric drive with scalar control are given. The technical solutions associated with the design of software and hardware parts of the microprocessor control system are described. When developed, tools of model-based programming technique are used.
asynchronous electric drive, scalar control, model-based programming technique, microprocessor control, transistor power converter
1. Polyuschenkov, I.S. Ispol'zovanie model'no-orientirovannogo programmirovaniya pri razrabotke elektroprivoda // SAPR i modelirovanie v sovremennoy elektronike [Tekst] + [Elektronnyy resurs]: sb. nauch. tr. II Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferencii / pod red. L.A. Potapova, A.Yu. Drakina. – Bryansk: BGTU, 2018. – Ch.1. – 249 s.