GRNTI 50.07 Теоретические основы вычислительной техники
BBK 3297 Вычислительная техника
This article discusses the problem of the lack of an artistic image of objects of this type. The analysis of aesthetic and ergonomic parameters in similar product models. Three artistic images of a portable speaker were selected corresponding to the main function of the designed product. For each artistic image, a conceptual design of the product body was created. Using a comparative analysis, the most promising outline solution of the case was determined from the point of view of aesthetic qualities and compliance with the main function of the product. An experimental prototyping of the design object was carried out using sculpted plasticine and foam, followed by an assessment of potential users and refinement of the shape of the product’s body and the location of its components. The result of the study was the layout of a portable bionic column speaker. The object has a spectacular appearance due to the bright image of the octopus tentacle, and also corresponds to aesthetic and ergonomic parameters.
bionics, portable speaker, ergonomics, visual perception, tactile perception
1. Cvet i vid v bionike // [Elektronnyy resurs]. 2014. № 9. URL:
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3. Bionika // [Elektronnyy resurs]. 2014. № 9. URL:"