Kazan', Russian Federation
Kazan', Russian Federation
Kazan', Russian Federation
GRNTI 50.51 Автоматизация проектирования
BBK 302 Проектирование
TBK 5136 Системы автоматического проектирования
The two-channel laser pulsoximeter PSO-2KL developed by the authors has an information-measuring system based on a laser sensor that registers the human photoplethysmogram. The primary information-measuring transducer of the physical quantity of the intensity of optical radiation into electric current is a photodiode mounted in a pulse oximeter (DP) sensor. Applied new technical solutions implemented in PSO-2KL, allowed to get rid of motion artifacts, as the main interference signal detection due to the use of a three-axis accelerometer in the sensor.
laser dual-channel pulse oximeter, photoplethysmogram, pulse oximetric sensor, accelerometer.
1. Primenenie dvuhkanal'nogo lazernogo fotopletizmografa v urologii /A.I. Laryushin, M.A.Galkin, E.A.Mishanin, A.P.Kuz'mich, V.A.Novikov, R.N.Hizbullin // Metrologicheskiy nauchno tehnicheskiy zhurnal «Mir izmereniy». –2010. –№9. –S.28-33.
2. Dvuhkanal'nyy lazernyy fotopletizmograf /A.I. Laryushin, M.A. Galkin, R.N. Hizbullin, V.A. Novikov // Metrologicheskiy nauchno tehnicheskiy zhurnal «Mir izmereniy». –2010. –№7. –S.22-28.
3. Avtomatizirovannyy medicinskiy apparatnyy kompleks dlya predsmennogo osmotra personala energeticheskih predpriyatiy /R.N.Hizbullin, A.I.Laryushin.– Kazan': Izvestiya vysshih uchebnyh zavedeniy. Problemy energetiki. KGEU –2014. –№ 1-2. –S.125-133.