Russian Federation
Russian Federation
BISAC NAT010000 Ecology
BISAC NAT045050 Ecosystems & Habitats / Coastal Regions & Shorelines
BISAC NAT025000 Ecosystems & Habitats / Oceans & Seas
BISAC NAT045030 Ecosystems & Habitats / Polar Regions
BISAC SCI081000 Earth Sciences / Hydrology
BISAC SCI092000 Global Warming & Climate Change
BISAC SCI020000 Life Sciences / Ecology
BISAC SCI039000 Life Sciences / Marine Biology
BISAC SOC053000 Regional Studies
BISAC TEC060000 Marine & Naval
Natural processes and intensive recreational loading increases rate of corrupting of sea coast. There is a vegetation change, are destroyed and rare and protected plants of the Baltic region, and a specific plant of the coast of the Baltic Sea disappear. The current state of an existing forest shelter belt the extremely unsatisfactory. Quantity of the dying-off, sick and broken trees on a m section. A ram – m. Bathing makes more than 20 %, leaving and restoration cabins practically aren't made, there is no natural restoration. On some sections the forest stand of valuable breeds perishes. In comparison with 1973–74 the quantity of shoots and t young trees the main breeds in protection of the coast forest belts noticeably decreased. Since 1993 it is not marked natural restoration of coniferous breeds, and shoots and young trees deciduous breeds are strongly oppressed. Degradations of plant communities on the sections adjacent to highways are most of all subject: in the mouth of river Zabawa, in the settlement Sokolniki, Kulikovo, Pavlovo, Primorje. All this negatively affects function of these protection of the coast.
Kaliningrad region
Все больше курортно-рекреационных и частных построек возводится в прибрежной зоне на самых разрушаемых участках берега, в частности, на мысе Гвардейском, в районе п.г.т. Янтарный, пос. Заостровье, г. Пионер-
ский, г. Зеленоградск, при этом ведется вырубка леса, зачастую несанкционированная. Именно поэтому основным и актуальным направлением современного строительства в береговой зоне являются комплексные мероприятия по укреплению берегов.
1. Grebennikova V.I., Ryabkova O.I. Biologicheskaya zaschita beregov Kaliningradskogo poluostrova / Sovremennye problemy izucheniya beregov Tez. dokl. XIX mezhdunarodnoy Konferencii «Sovremennye problemy izucheniya beregov». S-Pb., 1995. S. 46–47.
2. Ryabkova O.I., Gerb M.A. Pribrezhnye rasteniya Baltiyskogo morya v ukreplenii morskih beregov Kaliningradskoy oblasti // Geosistemy: faktory razvitiya, racional'noe prirodopol'zovanie, metody upravleniya: sbornik nauchnyh statey po materialam II Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferencii, posvyaschennoy 15-letiyu so dnya osnovaniya filiala RGGMU v g. Tuapse, 4–8 oktyabrya 2011 g. Krasnodar : Izdatel'skiy Dom – Yug, 2011. S. 332–334.
3. Cherednichenko V.P., Doroshin A.V., Solodov A.A. Dinamika peschanogo rel'efa i lesomelioraciya dyun Kurshskoy kosy // Problemy osvoeniya pustyn'. T. 1. Ashhabad, 2007.
4. Mortensen H. Die Morphologie der Samlandishe Steil-Küste aut Grundeiner phisiko-morphologishen Kartierung des Gebites. H.III. Hamburg, 1921.