Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Short characteristics of submarine canyons located between the rivers Mzymta and Psou and supervisions for their dynamics and influence on coastal constructions are examined in this report. The scheme of an underwater canyon with the directions of wave beams, the line of collapse of waves, their border groundswell to the coast and coastal constructions is presented. It is suggested to define an altitude of the length of groundswell of collapsing waves to the coast on the basis of the law of energy conservation of surfy waves. The detailed calculating procedure taking into account a roughness and permeability of beaches is described. Testing calculation of landwash according to the offered procedure for the zone of the canyon and out of it.


Ряд объектов (ледовые дворцы для хоккея, керлинга и фигурного катания, олимпийская деревня и олимпийский парк), возводимых в рамках подготовки к проведению в г. Сочи зимних Олимпийских игр 2014 г., располагается на территории Имеретинской низменности в Адлерском районе г. Сочи. Для доставки необходимых при строительстве олимпийских объектов строительных материалов и оборудования здесь же построен морской порт Имеретинский.


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