Russian Federation
BISAC NAT010000 Ecology
BISAC NAT045050 Ecosystems & Habitats / Coastal Regions & Shorelines
BISAC NAT025000 Ecosystems & Habitats / Oceans & Seas
BISAC NAT045030 Ecosystems & Habitats / Polar Regions
BISAC SCI081000 Earth Sciences / Hydrology
BISAC SCI092000 Global Warming & Climate Change
BISAC SCI020000 Life Sciences / Ecology
BISAC SCI039000 Life Sciences / Marine Biology
BISAC SOC053000 Regional Studies
BISAC TEC060000 Marine & Naval
Within the northern coast of the Sea of Azov there are some accumulative forms that have similar morphological, morphodynamic and lithodynamic characteristics. These forms of the sea relief united in the group of «azov type» spits. At the present time the investigated accumulative forms develop under conditions of intense erosion. The research carried out by us for the past five years, has shown that erosion of accumulative formsʼ bodies is natural, but the building of the bank protection structures affect the lithodynamic systemʼs integrity and strengthen the process.
1. Aksenov, Andrey Arkad'evich. Morfologiya i dinamika severnogo berega Azovskogo morya [Tekst] / A.A. Aksenov // Trudy GOINa. 1955. Vyp. 29 (41). S. 107–143.
2. Budanov, Valentin Illarionovich. Ob obrazovanii i razvitii kos «azovskogo» tipa [Tekst] / V.I.Budanov // Trudy okeanograficheskoy komissii AN SSSR. 1956. T. 1. S. 90–97.
3. Gel'mersen, Grigoriy Petrovich. Po voprosu ob predpolagaemom obmelenii Azovskogo morya [Tekst] / G.P. Gel'mersen // Zapiski Russk. geogr. ob-va, Otdelenie geografii. SPb., 1896.
4. Davidov, Oleksіy Vіtalіyovich. Analіz antropogennogo vplivu na rozvitok beregovoї zoni lіto-dinamіchnogo vuzla Berdyans'koї kosi [Tekst] / O.V. Davidov // Prichornomors'kiy ekologіchniy byuleten'. 2010. Vip. 1 (35). S. 139–148.
5. Zenkovich, Vsevolod Pavlovich. Berega Chernogo i Azovskogo morey [Tekst] / V.P. Zenkovich. M. : Geograf.literatura, 1958. 376 s.
6. Zenkovich, Vsevolod Pavlovich. Osnovy ucheniya o razvitii morskih beregov [Tekst] / V.P. Zenkovich. M. : Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1962. 720 s.
7. Aksenov, Andrey Arkad'evich. Morfologiya i dinamika severnogo berega Azovskogo morya [Tekst] / A.A. Aksenov // Trudy GOINa. 1955. Vyp. 29 (41). S. 107–143.
8. Budanov, Valentin Illarionovich. Ob obrazovanii i razvitii kos «azovskogo» tipa [Tekst] / V.I.Budanov // Trudy okeanograficheskoy komissii AN SSSR. 1956. T. 1. S. 90–97.
9. Gel'mersen, Grigoriy Petrovich. Po voprosu ob predpolagaemom obmelenii Azovskogo morya [Tekst] / G.P. Gel'mersen // Zapiski Russk. geogr. ob-va, Otdelenie geografii. SPb., 1896.
10. Davidov, Oleksіy Vіtalіyovich. Analіz antropogennogo vplivu na rozvitok beregovoї zoni lіto-dinamіchnogo vuzla Berdyans'koї kosi [Tekst] / O.V. Davidov // Prichornomors'kiy ekologіchniy byuleten'. 2010. Vip. 1 (35). S. 139–148.
11. Zenkovich, Vsevolod Pavlovich. Berega Chernogo i Azovskogo morey [Tekst] / V.P. Zenkovich. M. : Geograf.literatura, 1958. 376 s.
12. Zenkovich, Vsevolod Pavlovich. Osnovy ucheniya o razvitii morskih beregov [Tekst] / V.P. Zenkovich. M. : Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1962. 720 s.
13. Lobanov I.N. O proishozhdenii kos na severnom poberezh'e Azovskogo morya [Tekst] / I.N. Lobanov // Priroda. 1940. № 1.
14. Mamykina V.A. Beregovaya zona Azovskogo morya [Tekst] / V.A. Mamykina, Yu.P. Hrustalev. R. : RGU, 1980. 176 s.
15. Yankovskiy V.M. K rezhimu kos Azovskogo morya [Tekst] / V.M. Yankovskiy // Izvestiya GIMEINa Chernogo i Azovskogo morey. 1933. № 1. S. 37–50.