Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Produced study the influence of the most popular among students of products for a snack on the biochemical indices of oral liquid. In the work with an automatic photometric analyzer and the test paper were determined by such factors as pH, lactic acid, glucose, calcium, urea, salivation speed using the method sialometrii. These parameters were measured before eating, 30 minutes and 1 hour after a meal in a group of volunteers consisting of 10 people with oral sanitized. Based on the analysis of the results, a rating that reflects the degree of product effect on all the biochemical parameters together: 1st place – yogurt with biscuit (together); 2nd place – biscuit; 3rd place – yogurt; 4th place – an apple; 5th place – a banana.

saliva, oral fluid, carbohydrates, fast food, change in oral liquid formulation

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