The article deals with the issues relating to humanization of criminal proceeding system as a method to be employed to regulate said sphere and the principle of humanism which is already provided for by the currently existing laws on criminal proceedings and the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The author speaks of humanistic values to be introduced into the criminal proceeding system, the importance thereof for the development of the relevant laws. Special attention is given to the moral aspects of the procedural norms. Observation of the principle of legality, respect for human dignity – all these require procedural guarantees to exclude any violations, and to ensure broader participation of the victims and representatives of the community at all stages of justice administration. The article examines the features of the legal status of the parties to the criminal proceedings, their rights and obligations against the background of the principle of humanism. Also attended to are the issues relating to the organizational and procedural legal guarantees in criminal proceeding processes, development of humanistic outlook. The author advocates for the inclusion into the criminal procedural code of the principle of humanism, so that the relations between the parties of the criminal process should be based on respect, observance of the fundamental rights, freedom and legitimate interests of a human being.
Criminal proceeding, the instrument of humanization, legal status of the parties in court proceedings, guarantees, humanistic values.
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