Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article gives the detailed analysis of the levels and structure of state support of countries of Eurasian Economic Union on the basis of official notifications of the volumes of state support for agriculture in 2012. It is shown that countries differ significantly in these indicators, which could be a problem when forming a single agricultural market. The analysis revealed the imperfection of methodological approaches in determining the level of state support of agriculture as well as in filling in reporting forms, which leads to ambiguity of the reported data on the size and structure of state support presented by the countries. In particular, the assessment of the level of support of the Republic of Belarus in 2012 could be 19,1% instead of the submitted 8.7% due to the difference in the method used for calculating this index. It is proposed to increase the official involvement of the expert scientific community in monitoring the state support of agriculture.

state support for agriculture, single economic space, agreement on common rules of state support

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