International agreements concluded during various historical periods between Canada and the European Union, European communities, as well as acts of domestic law of Canada adopted for the implementation of relevant rules of the international law, are the subject of this research. The aim of the study was to define models for the implementation of bilateral agreements between Canada and the European Union, the forms of their implementation in domestic law, and classification of existing and void agreements. The methodology used in the study includes formal juridical and legal, historical research methods, and the method of comparative law analysis. The author draws the conclusion that Canada concluded bilateral agreements at all stages of the European integration development since the 1959 Treaty between the Government of Canada and the European atomic energy community on cooperation in the peaceful uses of atomic energy and treaties between Canada and the European Economic Community about common and high-quality wheat, concluded in 1962. Currently, there are about 40 bilateral agreements between Canada and the EU (Communities), mainly in the sphere of economic, customs and scientific cooperation, carried out by Canada through “indirect implementation”.
Canada, the European Union, European communities, bilateral agreements, forms of implementation, implementation, international law, plurilateral agreements, European integration, association.
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