This article describes the features of the lateral forces caused by the transverse slope of the mountain road and the impact angle of slip on the car´s handling is hazardous to the gate of moun-tain roads. The causes of the moving wheel tire slip when subjected to lateral forces. Identified oth-er factors that determine the value for the slip angle and lateral force design of the tire that is the vertical load on the tire, the air pressure in the tires of the car and the width of the wheel rim. Dia-gram shows the ratio of the values of lateral forces and their counterbalancing centrifugal diagram of forces acting on the vehicle during a turn. The final part of the article sets out the basic conclu-sions and practical recommendations to drivers Conservation drivability on dangerous curves of mountain roads
side pull, the lateral force, the car, the lateral stiffness, the lateral deformation of the tread, strength tire grip, controlled wheel
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