Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The urgency related to solution of problems in the area of risk management, rational nature management and environmental security providing has been marked in this paper. The importance of environmentfocused education and tasks in this area has been emphasized. A place and role of the State University of Management’s Scientific School “Risk Management and Security Assurance for Social-Economic and Political Systems” have been marked. Directions, mission, strategic goal, and tasks of scientific school have been considered. The basic information about the Nature Management and Environmental Security Chair, which is the basis for the scientific school development, as well as about this scientific school’s personnel potential has been provided. Educational programs realized by the chair with application of scientific school’s activity results have been specified. Representative activities of scientific school members, their collaboration with external organizations, and employment assistance for graduates of Nature Management and Environmental Security Chair’s educational programs have been considered. The information about workshops, conferences and forums organized by the scientific school, its members participation in these events, scientific school members’ research and publishing activities, received grants, inventions have been presented, as well as awards for the scientific school collective. The scientific school collective’s main scientific results have been considered, as well as their realization and implementation. The development of the scientific school “Risk Management and Security Assurance for Social-Economic and Political Systems” is connected with the necessity of ecological crisis overcoming and country’s national security protection. The State University of Management role as the founder and leader in the development of the education in the area of risk management and security assurance for social-economic and political systems in the Russian Federation has been marked. The importance of concerted action of research and education community, business and State for further development of the scientific school “Risk Management and Security Assurance for Social-Economic and Political Systems” has been pointed out.

scientific school, risk management and security assurance for social-economic and political systems, fundamental and applied research, rational nature management, environmental security, resource conservation, scientific activities.

На современном этапе цивилизационного развития управление рисками и обеспечением безопасности социально-экономических и общественно-политических систем представляют собой необходимую компоненту обеспечения национальной безопасности. Управление рисками, рациональным природопользованием и обеспечением экологической, технологической и экономической безопасности определено в Российской Федерации в качестве государственного приоритета. Развитие научных фундаментальных и прикладных исследований и системы подготовки кадров в области управления рисками, природопользованием, экологической, технологической, экономической безопасностью жизненно важно для устойчивого развития нашей страны. Чрезвычайно важным является безотлагательное повышение компетентности по вопросам управления рисками и обеспечения безопасности лиц, принимающих управленческие решения в различных областях экономики, политики и бизнеса.


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