Within the emerging paradigm of health care of the future, the e-health is able to organize multidimensional management system index of human health as the most important macroeconomic and political resource. Planetary social system of the twenty-first century focuses on its maintenance and development. Improving the capacity of internal resources of the individual opens up new opportunities for individual and collective creativity. The authors have identified the need to develop control actions in the framework of the theory of chaos and self-organization of systems and have described the rationale for a new paradigm of medicine, the technological platform "Medicine of the future", the Declaration "Healthcare of the future". They have revealed the resource limitation of modern medical and low level of training of doctors in the universities. This article underlines the need to further improve the unified state information system in the health sector. The authors have demonstrated the importance of systemic change of health in Russia, defined its strategic directions and the structuring of medical science in conjunction with a network of information and communication of the health system. The conditions of this system formation, the normative basis and the strategic directions of e-health are revealed.
healthcare, informatization of healthcare, health index, health management, preventive medicine, online system health management, IT-communication in health, social platform, chaos theory and self-organization.
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