The study of prime-test results assessing the presence of antibodies to a particular food (148 food products) in 100 women aged from 1 to 75.5 years showed that, according to the prime-test their biological age can be calculated by multivariate regression analysis. The correlation coefficient between the calculated biological and calendar age was 98% with a high degree of significance (p <0.001). Analysis of this equation shows that from 150 examined products, 63 food products significantly reduced biological age, and 39 food products increases it. Other 148 food products don’t affect the female biological age. The authors put forward the hypothesis that the antibodies produced when a protein food in the intestines may be got into the blood to cause an au-toimmune damage to cells, which determine the biological age of a person, that is, damaging or "young" or "old" cells. The article contains a table of products that are able to reduce or increase the biological age. On the action of a product on the human body can be assessed by the magnitude of the calculated regression coefficients. List of products affecting the biological age of the women was significantly different from the list of products - for men.
prime-test, biological age of women, chronological age, aging.
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