A question of the participation of neutrophils in immune reactions and their relationship with other immune cells is one of the urgent problems of modern immunology. The neutrophils are not only phagocytic cells, but they have a secretory function. Separating biologically active products are able to regulate neutrophil functions of immune cells. The functionality of neutrophils is revealed after their stimulation. The study of neutrophil secretory products obtained after stimulation of the cells latex particles, can be of great importance for the understanding of the regulatory impact of polymorpho-nuclear leukocytes to various cells, including immune-competent. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the secretory function of blood neutrophils donors. To solve this problem, the authors have determined the biochemical and cytokine composition and immune-tropic activity of the supernatants of activated and unactivated latex neutrophils isolated from peripheral blood of donors. The authors found that supernatants unactivated donor blood neutrophils contain the products of lipid peroxidation, antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase, catalase), protease, lysozyme, pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-1α, IL-1β, IL-8, TNF). Stimulation of neutrophils blood donors of latex particles leads to an increase in the levels of secretion of the listed ingredients. Analysis of the immune-tropic activity of secretory products of neutrophils showed that the supernatants of activated latex neutrophils blood donors have monosaccharose activity; the supernatants of non-activated neutrophils blood donors have monocytopenia activity.
Secretory products of unactivated and activated neutrophils blood donors.
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