The author shares his experience of training 3D geometric design competition for technical objects using modern of CAD-systems. It proposed the idea of development of creative abilities of students in the process of learning the basics of geometric modeling by incorporating elements of the structure of the training methods of self-development. It is noted that the principle of competition among the students in the group, encourages the pursuit of the study of modern packages and the acquisition of new skills. Created aimed at the development of creative abilities formation technique Olympiad learning objectives based on the real experience of designing in engineering offices and proposed a new form of training for a competition at the expense of an additional self-study students. As the experience of the first 3D-competitions, the task of a typical section of the course of the IG does not attract active and creative students who want to learn to work at a high level and modern packages. Systematic preparation for the 3D-competition is a necessary and very useful tool to stimulate and self-study of the subject as "Fundamentals of geometric modeling." This subject is not in the programs of universities, but it is indispensable. The tasks of the Olympiad are encouraged to include practical design solutions, both in the solid state, and in surface modeling. In more complex tasks with surface modeling is particularly interesting to students. They seek to independently study the theoretical and practical side of the work in computer-aided design packages, so the competition celebrated its significant activity. In tasks you are offered the use of standard methods of practical surface modeling to create the technical and design form the projections and conceptual sketches. The article gives examples of practical solutions, which can be seen a high level of theoretical and practical training of participants in 3D geometric design competition, there is speed of execution of tasks and the ability to solve professional design solutions.
descriptive geometry, CAD-systems, surface modeling, 3D-Olympics, solid modeling, design, a technique of higher education, computer simulation, geometric modeling, 3D-technology.
В современных методиках подготовки специалистов очень важное место занимают соревновательные мероприятия, проводимые среди студентов. Известно, что изучение систем автоматизированного проектирования должно развиваться в направлении изучения современных 3D-методов проектирования по реальным технологиям, которые используются в проектных бюро. Мы видим, что в основе интенсификации познавательной деятельности студентов, овладевающих инженерными системами, лежит активное желание самих студентов быстрее и правильно освоить новые среды проектирования с учетом современных подходов. В связи с этим в технических университетах проведение соревнований по трехмерному моделированию (3D-олимпиад) обречено на успех среди студентов. Даже самые отстающие студенты понимают важность освоения основ геометрического моделирования и умения проектировать на компьютере.
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