The review described the need for medical and biological monitoring of the training of athletes, especially in sports of the higher achievements. The authors show physiological changes in cardiovascular system during the training process, give a characterization of the role of cellular elements of blood, neurons of the nervous system during training and competition. The significance of the regulation of gas exchange, the formation of hypercapnia, hypoxemia and tissue hypoxia, the causes of violation, the assessment of maximal oxygen consumption are determined. The authors provide data about the energy level of the body in connection with the processes of free radical oxidation of nonesterified fatty acids at the level of energy – enzymatic biochemical reactions that form adenosine triphosphate (ATP). They emphasize the importance of immunity disorders in sports of the higher achievements. The emphasis is on the risk of sudden death during different sports and reasons for its occurrence. The authors point to the risks associated with the use of pharmacological doping, first of all, anabolic steroids, hormones and hormone-like substances - erythropoietin. A genetic method of increasing physical activity is characterized.
sports of the higher achievements, the physiology of the training process, free radical oxidation, doping, steroids, erythropoietin, sudden death.
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