Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article presents a detailed algorithm for implementing information security threats to information resources health information systems used in the processing of personal data. The proposed algorithm is developed in relation to the problems of justification of requirements to information security, contains verbal and statistical description of the basic stages of realization of threats. The algorithm is based on the results of statistical processing of experimental records the digital stream to the standard conditions using specialized software analysis tools. The authors offer a list of registered signs for recognition of threats to information security in the digital stream. The technique of the experimental analysis of statistical characteristics of realizations of information safety threats consists of following stages: recording the digital data stream segment local area network that implements information security representative for a period of time, recognition of the types of implementations of information security threats on the grounds of IP packets. The detailed algorithm is designed to develop a predictive "picture of state of nature, which is source data of the normalization procedure of requirements for information security methods of decision making. To formalize multivariate nature of the implementations of information security threats, the authors propose a method of constructing formal models using logical attack trees with the assignment of the arcs of the tree of the numerical coefficients that have a temporal meaning.

information safety, protection model, criterion of efficiency.

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