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Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the Great Patriotic War, the Iasi-Chisinau and Uman-Botoshani offensives, the glorious feats of the Soviet sons on the battlefields and in the rear, who were able to save the world from the fascist tyranny. Uman-Botoshani offensive began March 5, 1944. The author tells about this complicated operation, which has resulted to the releasing of southern regions of Right Bank of Ukraine, part of the Moldavian Soviet republic, as a result, the Red Army crossed the Soviet border, entering the territory of the Romanian kingdom. The important role of the Iasi-Kishinev operation is emphasized, which began on August 20, 1944. During these battles was destroyed largest German-Romanian grouping is in this area. The author offers the route visiting of battle glory places in the Republic of Moldova, where the rise on pedestals legendary tanks T-34-85. The monument "Tank" to liberators of northern Beltsy city - battle tank T-34, which was struck in the fighting in the course the Iasi-Kishinev operation. Many defenders of Beltsy became its honorable citizens: Hero of the Soviet Union B. Makeev, twice Hero of the Soviet Union I. Konev, three times Hero of the Soviet Union I. Kozhedub, three times Hero of the Soviet Union A. Pokryshkin. The second memorial is Mound of Glory in Dubossary. Kurgan stands on a man-made T-34. In 1968 from the Dniester River was extracted a fighting machine with the remains of the crew. In Tiraspol at the Memorial of Glory established the T-34-85. It is a monument to the fallen soldiers of the Great Patriotic War. The crew was perished in Hungary. In the Gagauz Comrat city August 22, 1989, was erected on a pedestal of the tank T-34 of the 36th a tank brigade, which has participated in battles for the city. The next point of our route is south of Moldova. Here, at the beginning of the war had taken an unequal battle and had fought heroically the border guards. On the road Cahul - Moscovei erected a monument "Tank", dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the victory over fascism. Between the villages of Leuseni-Onesti is situated a memorial complex with a monument to the Unknown Soldier. In 1941 in this place perished in an unequal battle with the occupiers soldiers of the 161th Moldovan infantry regiment. 25 years later the monument was erected - on top of the mountain on a pedestal stands a legendary machine T-34-85, which a quarter of a century has laid on the bottom of the river Prut. The last point of our route is the village Chinisheuzi in Rezina district. Villagers were initiators of fundraising for the construction of a tank column: from the residents of Moldova collected more than half a million rubles and built column "From Moldova workers." The article tells about the threat of the dismantling of monuments to soldiers-liberators and their protection of citizens of the republic. The silent witnesses of past battles of heroes of the Great Patriotic War are stand on pedestals, reminding for us, the descendants, that we must cherish the historical memory.

the Great Victory, the Great Patriotic War, military operations, monuments, T-34 tank, feats of soldiers, the release of the Moldavian SSR

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