Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article deals with the problem of crime prevention in the Russian Federation at the present stage. The article analyzes the role of the constitution in the mechanism of prevention of crime, through empirical analysis of the determinants of criminal behavior as a whole, which is based on a sample survey on the topic "What are the legal action, in your opinion, crucial in the process of crime prevention?" The study surveyed two groups of respondents : the first group is consisted of experts and criminologists, law enforcement officials, the second - the average people in the street without a legal education and specialized knowledge in combating and prevention of crimes. This article deals with the concept of the constitutional crime and crimes against constitutional rights and freedoms. The main instrument of crime prevention can be regarded as the constitutional authorities of social services aimed at providing social and legal services, to carry out social rehabilitation of people who need help; institutions involved in legal education, explaining the essence of the fundamentally inalienable rights and freedoms; as well as political parties, movements, foundations, religious organizations, representatives of which are engaged in educational and preventive work with citizens. The reasons of the inefficiency of measures aimed at preventing the constitutional crimes are identified, including defining the role for the dominant ideology of wealth, imposed on us from outside. The system of measures is suggested for the most effective prevention of crime and minimization of constitutional possible negative consequences of committing crimes against constitutional rights and freedoms. The article substantiates the position that a person, its rights and freedoms are the supreme value in the state.

constitution, crime prevention, anti-culture, socialization of the individual.

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