Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In recent years, incidence of adrenal tumors has increased substantially, to a greater extent this is due to the advent of newer, more sensitive imaging studies. However, the criteria of malignancy, the present, the adrenal intsidentalom based only on the measurement of the size of the education and attempts to calculate the percentage of the mathematical potential malignancy. Based on the results of a survey of 104 patients in the NUZ DKB OAO RZD at the station Yaroslavl, with randomly discovered adrenal tumors, shows the diagnostic value and informative aspiration cutting para-centetic biopsy under ultrasound in the differential diagnosis of adrenal intsidentalom different histological structure. Calculated the sensitivity and specificity of this method of research. Given that the implementation of needle biopsy under ultrasound guidance in the domestic and foreign literature of the estimated negative, mainly because of the risk of complications, clearly demonstrated the safety of aspiration cutting paracentetic biopsy. Taking into account the experience of more than 10,000 diagnostic and therapeutic interventions of our doctors under ultrasound abdominal, retroperitoneal space, pelvis, neck, and the vessels are proposed techniques that improve biopsy formations adrenal glands.

adrenal gland, incidentaloma, a hormonal and inactive tumor, an aspiration cutting paracentetic biopsy.

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