The article discusses the assessment of the level of interconnection of non-linear dynamic and oscillatory processes in the microvasculature of periodontal tissues by laser Doppler flowmetry. For this purpose an examination of 62 patients aged 18-36 years was carried out. The control group consisted of 20 healthy indi-viduals without co-morbidities with intact periodontium. The 1st group was 20 patients with chronic catarrhal gingivitis mild; the 2nd group – 22 patients with chronic generalized periodontitis mild. The laser Doppler flow-metry with spectral continuous wavelet analysis of the blood flow oscillations was carried out by the apparatus LACC-02 (SPE "LAZMA", Russia). In the course of the study the authors evaluated the relative vibration ener-gy of E0 flow using spectral analysis of the records of the LDF (program 2.2.509 - SPE "LAZMA", Russia) and normalized nonlinear dynamic parameters of microcirculation of periodontal tissues. This allows to reveal their relationship to the parameters of the oscillatory process, to conduct its analysis, to understand the state of the macroscopic behaviour of the modulating factors, both in normal and in pathological conditions. As result of this study, it was found that the changes of the normalized nonlinear parameters microvasculature of periodontal tissues during the inflammatory process (I and II study group) were characterized by a decrease of the chaotic behavior of the system of microcirculation and its order on the basis of the numerical parameters of randomness (*, D2 N).
microcirculation, periodontium, non-linear dynamics, laser Doppler flowmetry
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