Diagnosis and treatment of hemodynamic disorders and especially hypertension in obese patients is a medico-social problem. Dynamic monitoring and control of the treatment with a non-invasive method of examination is required for these patients with labile psycho-emotional status. Dynamics control is necessary during a certain period of time and with a computer program evaluating the obtained results. The authors examined the patients with obesity on the complex Simon III, allowing to carrying out a comprehensive survey of non-invasive dynamic within a few minutes of observation with the software of the survey process. From a study of the literature suggests that overweight reduces contractility and diastolic function. The examination of 14 men (who do not have acute and chronic diseases, without bad habits, aged (29-52 years) revealed an inverse relationship between increasing body mass index and the index of myocardial contractility (r = -0.62, p <98 %) and the feedback correlation inotropy condition index (r = - 0,75, p <99%)., stroke index and left ventricular work fell well within the normal range of values. Such a detailed interpretation of hemodynamics makes it possible to more reasonable therapy of hypertension and prediction of outcomes in patients with obesity.
obesity, hemodynamics, evaluation
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