The article presents the results of testing a computer program for assessing personal potential medical staff of health facilities. The authors have developed software system "Medtest". It implements a test method for determining the personal potential, fully automates all stages of the research and automates the processing of forms and getting results. The authors describe in detail the algorithm research to identify individual potential health care workers on the basis of the developed methodology for assessing personal potential by the sum of scores. Compliance resulting figure is its maximum value indicates the full readiness of personal potential staffing to carry out medical activities. Creation of a single database of employees of health facilities in the process of complex information of therapeutic and diagnostic departments will create a single information network to help monitor the professional activities of doctors and paramedical staff. According to the authors, the use of software package will help policy-makers, as well as the chief doctor of the hospital quickly and accu-rately assess the readiness of health workers to the profession and to implement an integrated approach to man-agement decision-making, aimed at identifying and using available in this area of personnel reserve
personal potential, opinion poll, software system, medical staff.
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