Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article analyzes the impact of tourism on improving investment climate in the region. The main factors of investment attractiveness of the developing areas of tourism are considered, among which the ability of the tourism industry to develop on almost any site with a variety of conditions and resources of activity that is related to diversity of tourist activities; and the multiplier effect of tourism development which contributes to the development of related sectors of activity. The article presents the results of a study of various aspects of the formation of the national innovation system for the development of tourism. In particular, characterized are the features of the implementation of the cluster approach to the development of tourism in the territories of the Russian Federation, among which the most outstanding are: the lack of experience in the implementation of the cluster approach or unsuccessful attempts to copy foreign experience; priority areas in the development of only one type of clusters — the territorial-production; imperfection of the regulatory framework. These problems, according to the authors, exist along with the typical problems of tourism clusters, which include inadequate specialized infrastructure and services; the poor state of the key tourist sites; failure to comply with quality standards (or their absence) for services offered to tourists. According to the analysis of the legal documentation in the tourism sector of the Russian Federation and monitoring of the development of tourist areas in the article substantiated is the conclusion about the need to tough public policy, defining legal boundaries and strategic guidelines for the development of tourism on the innovative type, as well as the need to adjust the existing practice of tourism territories, which currently does not increase the investment attractiveness of regions.

investment climate, cluster, tourism, special economic zones.



Мировой опыт подтверждает, что одним из главных факторов устойчивого развития экономики государства является обеспечение постоянного притока иностранных инвестиций. Основной целью привлечения иностранных инвестиций в российскую экономику было и остается решение проблемы модернизации экономики страны — переход с экономики то-пливно-сырьевой ориентации к экономике инновационного типа развития. Таким образом, в условиях глобализации основной задачей государственной политики становится формирование благоприятного инвестиционного климата.


Подобная цель получила законодательное воплощение в РФ еще в 1996 г., когда начали применяться антимонопольные меры, была сформулирована система валютного регулирования и определен процесс проведения приватизации государственной собственности. С этого времени начал функционировать правовой режим привлечения иностранных инвестиций в экономику страны.


За прошедшие годы успехи России в сфере создания благоприятного инвестиционного кли-


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