Pushkino, Moscow, Russian Federation
Federal Law № 172-FZ "On the strategic planning in the Russian Federation" envisages the creation of a unified system of state strategic planning. Effective functioning of the system, includ-ing in the field of forest relations, is especially actual in times of economic crisis and federal budget deficit, when priority is to determine the priorities of the industry. For this purpose, the use of the method of value analysis is proposed to justify the choice of the most significant events of the state program "Development of Forestry" for the period of 2013-2020, its indicators. Differentiation is made on the performance of the first order (priority indicators - woody territory of the Russian Fed-eration, the amount of payments to the budget of the Russian Federation on the use of forests, the ratio of the actual amount of timber to set the allowable volume of wood removals); as well as indi-cators of the second and third orders, directly affecting the achievement of the three priority indica-tors. A mechanism is proposed to optimize the costs of priority forest management activities through increased funding through internal reallocation of resources within the state program. For example, increasing the "investment" attractiveness of forest areas for potential tenants can be achieved in the following way: an increase in funding for forest management will provide additional updating on state forest areas, which will increase the area of leased forest areas. In this way it is possible to achieve cost of saving from the federal budget for forest management activities on the forest plot (performed at the expense of the tenant) and - an increase in revenues in the fiscal system of the country. In order to justify the cost of the planned work in determining resource support activities of the state program it is recommended to create a unified system of standard costs for forestry works and services.
strategic planning, state program, value analysis, key activities, indicators, regulatory costs, methods of distribution of subventions
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