Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
We consider data on a variety of different forest forming tree species in a unique facility of Mediterranean flora on Russian territory – State Nature Reserve "Utrish." Conifers are represented by three species of junipers (Juniperus exelsa Bieb., Juniperus foetidissima Willd., Juniperus oxycedrus L.), Rinus kochiana Klotsc, Pinus pityusa Stev., Taxus baccata L. Greek Juniper is a dominating one on the area of 563.2 hectares, followed by prickly juniper (52.8 ha) and stinking juniper (38.9 ha). Their age is ranged from 121 to 141 years. The average height of juniper woodlands, where juniper stands as forest formimg species ranges from 5.4 m, with an average diameter of 16.3 cm for forests with Juniperus oxycedrus dominance to 7.6 m with an average diameter of 27.1 cm, in the case of Juniperus foetidissima and 6.9 m with an average diameter of 26.2 cm for Juniperus exelsa. Hardwoods dominate in the composition of forests in the reserve. Oak forests cover an area of about 7500 hectares. Large areas are under European ash forests dedicated to wetter conditions in the valleys in the crevices and flattened sheltered gullies. Examples of these types are associated with forests and the dominance of the Caucasian hornbeam, field maple. Carpinus orientalis usually playing a role in the undergrowth juniper stands and oak forests with dominance of pubescent oak forms plantations in clearings. Conifers are dominant in the coastal part of the reserve, and oak forests are basic phytocenoses forming the forest reserve "Utrish".

junipers, pine, yew, oak, pistachio, hornbeam, plant communities, forest fund, reserve.

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