The problem of modern ecological and resource-saving technologies in forest harvesting and agriculture is associated with the device for status monitoring of such complex systems as a system of forestry and agriculture. Such monitoring is convenient to carry out with semiconductor sensors, because the information in them is stored in a computer accessible form. However, in vivo sensors are exposed to the environment and therefore it is relevant to define criteria for determining the re-sistance of semiconductor devices, reflecting the quality of the functioning of the last ones. Measure of the resistance of test subjects, such as a semiconductor element base is the quality of functioning: a – normal functioning; in temporary impairment or loss of function or performance with automatic reset; c – temporary impairment or loss of function or performance which requires operator inter-vention or system restart; d – the deterioration or loss of function that can not be repaired because of damage to the equipment (components) or software, or loss of data. Methodology of the most of the published data on the levels of criteria corresponds to substantially inflated levels of exposure to the test object. In addition, based on the statistical processing of the results of experimental studies of the resistance of semiconductor devices to ultrashor pulsed field action the empirical relation is got between the dose of impact energy of pulses with pulse duration, repetition rate and the irradiation time. We justify the need to complement of existing standards for resistance semiconductor element base to nanosecond pulse interferences with wider range of test signals, taking into account dose and effects of energy storage of pulse sequence in semiconductor devices.
energy of ultrashort pulses, resistance of semiconductor devices.
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