Micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) play an important part in reducing the occupational and production related diseases among the workers of industrial enterprises. In this connection the ways of optimizing the preventive diets have been determined taking into account the specificity of jobs and the nature of effects of toxic compounds on the body. The results of research concerning the state of actual nutrition and vitamin supply of workers of metallurgical enterprises have been presented. Considering the nutritional status assessed the specialized drinks enriched with essen-tial micronutrients have been developed. The results have been obtained in clinical studies of the efficiency of the in-stant drink "Vitalife" through its inclusion in the diet of workers for one month, twice a day. The excretion of vitamin C and vitamin В2 in the urine, the content of the products of lipid peroxidation and the activity of antioxidant enzymes (TBA - active product – malonic dialdehyde, catalase activity and superoxide dismutase) have been studied. The pro-gram and methodic recommendations to optimize the preventive diets of workers of hot shops at metallurgical enter-prises have been developed: 1 cup (200 сm3) of ready-to-drink beverage made from the concentrate for soft drinks enriched with vitamins before work; 1 cup (200 сm3) of fruit and berry kissel enriched with vitamins and calcium during lunchtime as the third course or as a separate dish; 4 cups (1 dm3) of beverage from the mineral concentrate at the right time during the working shift. Products included in the program provide the water and salt balance and fill the micronutrient shortage. The use of specialized products in the preventive nutrition of workers has shown their efficiency in protecting the body from the unfavorable conditions of production. This can serve as a factor in the preservation of health and prevention of occupational and production related diseases.
The actual food, specialized products, a preventive diet, prevention of occupational diseases
One of the preventive measures of occupational diseases of industrial workers and health preservation is the development of science-based diets and nutri-tional programs taking into account the specificity of jobs and the nature of effects of unfavorable production factors on the body [1, 18, and 19]. The given direction is a priority in the current nutritiology which is confirmed by a number of government acts and regulations [21, 22].
It is known that when operating in the heating mi-croclimate at metallurgical plants including aluminum production there is a considerable loss of water with the sweat, which leads to the increased consumption of vitamins and minerals by the body.
The characteristic combination of poor working conditions and the deficiency of vital micronutrients are the cause of psychosomatic disadaptation. As a result, the frequency of chronic diseases including oc-cupational and production related ones increases.
The main vector of the problem solution is the crea-tion and practical implementation of new types of spe-cialized products, including soft drinks with directed functional properties. It is necessary to confirm the quality of the consumer properties of products by con-ducting experimental or clinical studies [19].
The research objects have been diets of workers of the West - Siberian metallurgical plant and aluminum plant in Novokuznetsk of Kemerovo region, biological medium (saliva, urine), experimental and commercial samples of specialized products. The actual nutritional status has been studied with the help of questionnaire using the method of 24 - hour playback and the com-puter program. The direct analysis of ascorbic acid in dishes and culinary products has been conducted for an objective assessment of vitamins in the diets.
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