The problem of raising the level of protein supply in the diet of the population of the Russian Federation is still relevant. To solve this problem it is important to investigate protein food reserves, while priority is given to a combination of vegetable and animal proteins. Fish and non-fish water fishing is paid particular attention as a potential source of protein, because of almost inexhaustible world ocean reserves and the prospects for their use. The aim of the work is the scientific study and practical implementation of preparation and evaluation of the quality of pasty concentrates of aquatic organisms, as well as health food products based on them using a hydro-mechanical dispersion. The scientific background of technological aspects of the production of aquatic pasty concentrate from hydrobionts (cyst Artemia Salina) using hydro-mechanical dispersion is presented in the article. Consumer characteristics, conditions and terms of the concentrate storage are identified. New data on the effectiveness evaluation of paste concentrate from cyst Artemia to increase the body´s immune properties are obtained in the experiments with animals. The expediency of development and industrial production of cheese products using pasty concentrates of aquatic organisms is based. Regulated quality parameters, modes and terms of their storage are established.
Hydrobionts, hydromechanical dispergation, cheeses, cavitation, foods, quality, safety, pasty concentrates
The modern concept of creating a sustainable food base comes from the need to search for and use of reserves of agricultural raw materials produced by deep processing of highly effective methods of physical and other effects [1].
The production of healthy food based on local raw materials is very important. These products are characterized by safety, high nutritional value, corresponding properties, providing the needs of different population groups in necessary food, biologically active substances and energy [2].
The subject area is one of the priorities in the implementation of international and national programs in the field of diet correction and preservation of health, enshrined at the state level by laws and government regulations [3-7].
Existing technologies for processing are usually material- and energy-consuming, and often do not meet the requirements in terms of quality. As part of the problem Earn-of attention are matters of general and function-based food production from pasty concentrates using hydro-mechanical dispersion deserve special attention as part of the discussed problem. The urgency and priority of these studies are shown in the work of scientists in the field of biotechnology - I.A. Rogov, T.K. Kalenik, in the field of hygiene and food biochemistry - V.A. Tutelian, B.P. Sukhanov, V.M. Poznyakovskiy, in the field of commodity science - L.G. Eliseeva, T.N. Ivanova, E.P. Kornena et al.
However, some aspects of this trend remain poorly studied, require scientific justification and practical solutions.
Currently, special attention is given to fish and non-fish water fishing as a potential source of protein, because of almost inexhaustible supply of the world's ocean and prospects for their use [8-11].
Artemia cysts are eggs of saltwater crustacean Artemia Salina. Biochemical composition of Artemia cysts (Table 1) indicates the presence digestive lipids and unsaturated fatty acids in the cysts. Artemia cysts are a source of vitamins, contain a set of vital mineral substances (Table 2 and 3). Vitamin E in cysts is 8.8 times more, compared to whole milk powder, B6 and B3 - 15 and 19 times respectively. The content of carotenoid averages 136 mg / 100 g [11].
1. Motovilov, O.K., Gidromehanicheskoe dispergirovanie i ego ispol´zovanie pri proizvodstve specializiro-vannyh produktov pitanija i ocenka ih potrebitel´skih svojstv (Hydromechanical dispergating in production of specialized foods and assessment of their consumer properties), Novosibirsk, 2011, 240 p.
2. Pokrovskiy, V.I., Romanenko, G.A., Knjazhev, V.A., Gerasemenko, N.F., Onishhenko, G.G., Tutel´jan, V.A., and Poznyakovskiy, V.M., Politika zdorovogo pitanija. Federal´nyj i regional´nyj urovni (Policy of healthy nutrition. Federal and regional levels), Novosibirsk, Sib.Univ. Publ., 2002, 344 p.
3. Prognoz nauchno – tehnicheskogo razvitija Rossijskoj Federacii do 2030 goda (Prospects of scientific-research development of the Russian Federation up to 2030), Moscow, 2012, 72 p.
4. Rasporjazhenie Pravitel´stva Rossijskoj Federacii ot 25.10.10 goda. № 1873 – r «Osnovy gosudarstvennoj politiki Rossijskoj Federacii v oblasti zdorovogo pitanija naselenija na period do 2020 goda» (Instruction of the Govern-ment of the Russian Federation “Fundamentals of public policy of the Russian Federation in the sphere of healthy nutrition of the population up to 2020”), 2010, no. 1873 – r.
5. Rasporjazhenie Pravitel´stva Rossijskoj Federacii ot 8.12.11 goda. № 2227-r «Strategija innovacionnogo razvitija Rossijskoj Federacii na period do 2020 goda» (The order of the Government of the Russian Federation “Strategy of innovative development of the Russian Federation up to 2020”), 2011, no. 2227-r.
6. Rasporjazhenie Pravitel´stva Rossijskoj Federacii ot 17.04.12 goda № 559-r. «Strategija razvitija pishhevoj i perera-batyvajushhej promyshlennosti Rossijskoj Federacii do 2020 goda» (The order of the Government of the Russian Federation “Strategy of food and processing industry up to 2020”), 2012, no.559-r.
7. Tehnicheskij reglament TS 027/2012 «O bezopasnosti otdel´nyh vidov specializirovannoj pishhevoj produk-cii, v tom chisle dieticheskogo, lechebnogo i dieticheskogo profilakticheskogo pitanija» (Technical regulations of the Customs union 027/2012 "About safety of separate types of specialized food products, including dietary, medical and dietary preventive foods")
8. Poznjakovskij, V.M., Rjazanova, O.A., Kalenik, T.K., Dacun V.M., Jekspertiza ryby, ryboproduktov i nerybnyh ob#ektov vodnogo promysla. Kachestvo i bezopasnost´ (Examination of fish, fish products and not fish objects of water trade. Quality and safety), Novosibirsk: Sib.Univ., 2007, 311p.
9. Motovilov, O.K., Perspektivy ispol´zovanija dekapsulirovannyh cist Artemia salina v proizvodstve BAD i komibini-rovanyh molochnyh produktov (Prospects of usage of decapsulated Artemia salina cysts in the production of BAA and composed milk products), Rybovodstvo i rybnoe hozjajstvo (Fish Science and Fish Industry), 2008, no. 3, pp. 27-35.
10. Motovilov, O.K., Ispol´zovanie pastoobraznyh koncentratov iz ljupina i cist artemii pri proizvodstve produktov pitanija (Pasty concentrates from lupin and Artemia cysts in the food production), Sibirskij vestnik sel´skohozjajstvennoj nauki (Sib. bull. of agri. sci.), 2011, no. 2, pp. 100-104.
11. Motovilov O.K. Nauchnoe obosnovanie tehnologij pishhevoj produkcii s ispol´zovaniem gidromehanicheskogo dispergirovanija i ocenka ejo kachestva. Diss.dokt.teh. nauk (Scientific justification of food technologies with hydromechanical dispergating and assessment of its quality. Dr. tech. sci. diss), Kemerovo, 2012.