Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: To ensure the accessibility for population groups with reduced mobility of facilities and services in the sphere of railway transport that will provide for their mobility as well as the possibility to access various objects and services (medical, educational, cultural, etc.) Methods: Analysis and evaluation of the requirements of legislative, regulatory and industrial technical documents to provide reduced mobility population groups with equal with other citizens rights on Russian Federation Constitution. Review and analysis of international practices and different use cases of passenger rail cars to transport reduced mobility population groups. Joint study of the subject by JSC "Russian Railways" with scientific organizations of All-Russian Scientific Institute of Railway Transport and Institute of Hygiene on Railway Transport as well as with All-Russian Society of Disabled People. Results: Based on the results of technical and economical studies, decision was made to place specialized compartment for wheelchair users in a staff car. For this purpose, specialized area from unbraked end of a staff car has been organized which includes adapted compartment, adapted toilet, wide corridor and entrance zone equipped with stationary lift for boarding/detrainment of wheelchair users. Minimally necessary list of equipment to tool up adapted compartment and toilet is grounded. All these proposals were included into Technical Task on a new staff car with a body from stainless steel. Analysis of demand for staff cars with specialized area for wheelchair user transportation and annual traffic volume over the last period have been carried out. Based on the analysis of reduced mobility passenger turnover and the assessment of European railways practices, it is recommended to pursue works on increase the seating capacity in staff cars for passengers of pointed category. Practical importance: Based on the conducted research, the necessity to increase the seating capacity for wheelchair users with accompanying persons has been shown. It has been demonstrated that this issue can be solved using staff cars with stainless steel bodies. Even greater prospect for increasing seating capacity for wheelchair users opens up for new cars (Class "2023") which are being developed in accordance with “T” overall dimensions (car width increase from 3100 to 3400 mm) and lengthwise arrangement of sleeping places in compartment.

Passengers with reduced mobility, specialized area, staff car (specialized car for bed linen storage, accommodation of train master, law-enforcement officers, people with reduced mobility and accompanying personnel), easily accessible (adapted) compartment, stationary lift
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