Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The subject of the study is the formation of a biofilm in the area of ceramic and titanium implants. Objectives. A systematic analysis of modern domestic and foreign literature sources to determine the main features and differences in the formation of a biofilm in the field of ceramic and titanium implants. Methodology. The study was based on the search and study of original articles on dental implantation in databases: Russian State Library, eLibrary, PubMed, The Cochrane Library, Google Scholar. The main selection of materials was carried out by keywords. Results. Rehabilitation of edentulous spaces in patients with osseointegrated dental implants is a scientifically recognized and well-documented treatment method. Bacterial adhesion on dental implants can cause inflammatory conditions such as mucositis and peri-implantitis. Peri-implantitis can lead to bone resorption and eventual loss of the implant. It has been established that zirconium oxide has a lower bacterial capacity for adhesion and inflammatory infiltration compared to titanium, and due to its hygienic properties, it has significant advantages in maintaining the level of soft tissues of the aesthetic zone and maintaining the level of the alveolar bone. Numerous studies show that the clinical use of zirconium oxide implants is practically not accompanied by manifestations of peri-implantitis, and gum epithelial tissues are able to firmly and reliably attach to their surface. Zirconia is bioinert to other materials found in the oral cavity and is particularly suitable for patients who are allergic or intolerant to metals. The latest techniques and materials, which include zirconium dioxide, have important advantages, and its use as a material for dental implants significantly increases the clinical effectiveness of treatment. Conclusions. A review of the literature on the formation of a biofilm in the area of dental implants showed that zirconium oxide has a lower bacterial ability for adhesion and inflammatory infiltration compared to titanium, and due to hygienic properties has significant advantages in maintaining the level of soft tissues of the aesthetic zone and maintaining the level of the alveolar bone.

biofilm, microbial adhesion, dental implantation, zirconium dioxide, titanium, ceramic implants

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