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Abstract (English):
Field studies were conducted in 2021–2022 at the experimental site of the Sakhalin Research Institute of Agriculture on meadow-sod-gley medium loamy soil according to generally accepted methods. The technology of cultivation of alfalfa is in accordance with the methods of cultivation of perennial herbs developed by the Sakhalin Research Institute of Agriculture. The scheme of the experiment included ten varieties of alfalfa of various ecological and geographical origin. The greatest foliage was demonstrated by plants of the varieties Uralochka, Victoria, Nakhodka in the first mowing and the varieties Uralochka, Vela, Nakhodka, Sarga in the second. The varieties that entered the top three in terms of green mass yield for the period of the first mowing were Taisiya, Sarga and Uralochka varieties. As for the output of the dry mass it was similar. According to the amount of green and dry mass formed in the second mowing the varieties Nakhodka, Taisiya and Sarga were distinguished as the best. On average, for two mowing of the green mass the leading varieties were distributed in such order: the 1st place — the Taisiya variety, the 2nd place — Sarga and Nakhodka, the 3rd third place – Victoria, Agnia VIK and Uralochka. The average yield of the green mass of the Vela variety for two mowing was inferior to the standard Demetra variety by 8%, the yield of the Voronezhskaya 6 variety was at the standard level, the other varieties exceeded the standard by 7.4–21.2%. The average yield of the dry mass for two mowing of the Pavlovskaya 7 variety was slightly inferior to the standard variety, the Vela and Voronezh 6 varieties it was at the standard level, the rest exceeded it by 11.6–35.6%.

alfalfa, variety, foliage, mowing, productivity, green mass and dry matter
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