The article presents the results of an empirical study of the personal characteristics of university students as psychological determinants of legal consciousness of the individual. The study involved students of the Law and Economics faculties of the Volga Humanities Institute (branch) Volgograd State University in the number of 48 people. Comparative analysis of the results of the study showed that law students have higher indicators in terms of volitional self-regulation and meaningfulness of life and lower indicators on the scale of propensity to delinquent behavior. Students of the Faculty of Economics have lower indicators of volitional self-regulation and meaningfulness of life and higher indicators on the scales of propensity to delinquent behavior, to overcome norms and rules. Students of the Faculty of Economics showed results that may indicate a more pronounced predisposition to overcome norms and rules compared to students of the Faculty of Law. Significant gender differences in the degree of expression of personal qualities were also revealed. Among the girls of the Faculty of Law, the indicators on the scales "Propensity to overcome norms and rules" and "Propensity to delinquent behavior" are low, and the indicators of the girls of the Faculty of Economics according to these scales significantly exceed the indicators of boys.
pedagogical psychology, students' legal awareness, self-awareness, deviant behavior, tendency to aggression, gender differences, pedagogical psychology, students' legal awareness, self-awareness, deviant behavior, tendency to aggression, gender differences
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