The article is devoted to a comparative study of the features of the competence of self-regulation in boys and girls with different types of behavior: normative and deviant. To identify the formation of self-regulation competence, the questionnaire "Style of self-regulation of behavior" by V. I. Morosanova was used, which allows assessing the features of planning, modeling, programming and evaluation of results manifested in activity and behavior. The study involved boys and girls with deviant behavior who are on foster care in the City Center "Teenager" of Izhevsk and boys and girls with normative behavior who study in secondary schools. For statistical data processing, the Mann-Whitney (U) criterion and the Wilcoxon rank criterion for related samples were used, as well as the Pearson correlation coefficient with subsequent construction of correlation pleiades.It was found that in both girls and boys with normative behavior, the values of regulatory indicators on all scales are at a level above average and high. In deviants of both groups, most of the indicators of self-regulation competence are at a level below average, and the indicator of the scale "General level of self-regulation" is at a low level. The only indicator that reaches a high level in deviants is independence in boys. The results obtained in the correlation study demonstrate that in all groups the core of the correlation pleiades is the general level of self-regulation, which has the greatest number of significant connections; the indicator "Independence" shows a certain autonomy - it has no connections with the core and forms only negative correlations with other regulatory scales. There are differences in the general pattern of the pleiades: in deviant adolescents of both sexes, correlations do not form a single pleiad, and in normative adolescents, all indicators of self-regulation competence are interconnected. As a result of the conducted research, our assumption about the existence of gender differences in the development of self-regulation competence and its individual components in adolescents has not been unequivocally confirmed. The existence of the revealed differences is more determined by the normativity (deviance) of adolescents than by their gender identity.
competence of self-regulation, levels of development of indicators, adolescents, normative behavior, deviant behavior
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