employee from 01.01.1980 to 01.01.2022
, Russian Federation
Computer simulation of technological parameters in the milling process of polycarbonate workpieces under various processing modes is realized. The parameters are recorded at various points in the contact time of the milling cutter tooth with the workpiece. The regularities of changes in the parameters of the milling process, including forces and temperatures in the contact zones of the facing with the cutter tooth or in case of tooth contact with the workpiece, depending on the elements of the milling mode, are found. It’s also found that the temperatures in the contact zone of the tooth with the workpiece are higher than in the contact zone of the tooth with the facing. The pattern of temperature distribution in the surface layer of the workpiece is distilled. Mathematical dependences describing the relationship of temperatures with the elements of the milling mode, are obtained
processing mode, modeling, milling, polycarbonate, temperature field, temperature, force
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