Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The subject of the study is the prospects for the introduction of an endosseous all-ceramic screw one-stage immediate implant in the clinical practice of orthopedic rehabilitation. The objectives analysis of the prospects for the use of the developed dental implant (endossal all-ceramic screw single-stage implant) in dental practice during orthopedic rehabilitation of patients with adentia. Methodology. The study was performed on the basis of an analysis of orthopedic rehabilitation means and their effectiveness in patients of dental clinics in the cities of Kemerovo for 2018–2022. Results.The results of rehabilitation of patients with adentia using dental implants based on zirconium dioxide (both imported and patented bio-implants) and implants based on titanium alloys are presented. The new endosseous all-ceramic screw one-stage implant developed by the author of the study (RF Patent for Invention No. 2651052; Eurasian Patent No. 035482) is distinguished by its design (rough active two-component thread passing into a polished neck by switching the platform and then into a suprastructure with the possibility of its individualization in the cavity mouth) and the method of treating the surface of the exclusively threaded part of the implant with calcium hydroxyapatite. The possibility of using the developed implant will satisfy the needs of patients for a minimally invasive implantation procedure, ensuring its economic efficiency in relation to an analogue imported ceramic implant. In addition, due to the specialized surface treatment, the developed implant does not require the use of bone substitutes, and the presence of a biocoating allows expanding its use in groups of patients with somatic pathologies. Conclusions. The performed study allows us to recommend the use of the developed bio-implant in clinical dentistry in order to study the possibilities of its use in the near and long term.

ceramic implants, zirconium dioxide implants, minimally invasive implantation, implant treatment, bio-implant

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