Volgogradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet
Abstract. Previous studies have highlighted relationships between socioeconomic factors and farmers’ participation in agricultural development program but have not found it under minority people contexts. The aim of the study is to quantify the participation levels of minority households and identify the determinants of their participation in farm development policies and programs (FDPAP). Methods. To achieve this, both primary and secondary sources of data are used. The data are gathered through survey 438 farmers from the 5 most populous ethnic groups (namely Jarai, Bahnar, E De, Tay, and Nung) in 10 communes and towns in 8 districts of study area by a questionnaire that was designed on a five-point Likert scale. Content analysis is used to determine the participation extent to which the research model includes five groups of factors (Perception of the householder about the farm economy; Mechanisms and policies of the government/state agency on agriculture; Household characteristics; Economic benefits; Production capacity) corresponded to the identified 24 criteria. Results. The findings indicate that their participation is only at a manipulative or passive level. The main factors tending to deter their participation are households’ characteristics and production capacity. In contrast, specific policies and tangible economic benefits are the factors that motivate them to participate more deeply. Scientific novelty lies in reliable information on the livelihoods and culture of minority farmers based on these results, plays an extremely important role in the success of agricultural policies as public officials push to integrate them into the national agenda.
participation, minority household, factor, Likert scale, FDPAP, Central highlands, Vietnam
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