Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Subject. Development and application of a new expansion and mesial protraction appliance for maxilla. Objectives. Determination of required dental arch width and effectiveness of using a new removable appliance for expansion and protraction of maxilla in different age patients. Methodology. There were 94 patients with narrow and retro positioned maxilla taken for this study and divided for 2 groups: I group – 61 patients at the age of 8–12 years old, II – 33 patients at the age of 13–16 years old to whom complex diagnostic examination including cephalometries and evaluation of required dental arch width with developed “OZDR-RKPFZ.exe” computer program was applied. Results. A new appliance for expansion and protraction of maxilla was developed at Nasimov Dentistry in cooperation with Department of Orthodontics of TSDI. In 49 (80.32%) patients of the I group 1 mm and more expansion occurred after only 2 weeks of treatment; in 9 (14.75%) of evaluated in 3 weeks and in 3 (4.93%) of evaluated in more than 4 weeks of activation. On the other hand, in 26 (78.78%) of II group skeletal expansion of 1 mm and more occurred in 2 weeks of appliance wearing; in 5 (15.15%) after 3 weeks and in (9.09%) patients after more than 4 weeks of activation. Mesial traction of maxilla using face mask was also effective in short term. Conclusion. Expansion and protraction in groups by age showed a greater prevalence of progress in transversal and sagittal dimensions in I-group where skeletal maturation was not finished, although activation of appliance was made more and force component was higher. It shows that using of the new appliance in different age is effective if skeletal maturation is taken to account.

dental arch width determination, expansion of maxilla, protraction of maxilla, fixation of a removeable appliances, new expansion appliance

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