Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
VAC 2.5.5 Технология и оборудование механической и физико-технической обработки
UDK 621.9 Обработка резанием (снятием стружки).Резка (разделительные операции без образования стружки).Дробление и измельчение.Обработка листового материала.Изготовление резьбы и т.д. Способы (технология), инструменты, машины и приспособления
BBK 345 Общая технология машиностроения. Обработка металлов
The study objective is the development of devices for high-accuracy machining of machine parts. The problem to which the article is devoted is the analysis of the joint influence of location vees on the accuracy of workpiece locating. Research methods: modeling the contact of the workpiece with the location vees using the theory of dimensional connections, regression analysis of modeling results of installing workpieces in the location vees. The novelty of the work: the formation of the workpiece error of locating when it is installed on a device with two location vees and a random distribution of the accuracy parameters of the base surfaces is considered. Study results: a model of self-installation of the workpiece on two location vees is developed and dependences are obtained for estimating the workpiece error of locating, taking into account the normal distribution of accuracy parameter values within their tolerances. Conclusions: taking into account the probability of distribution of the values of base surface accuracy parameters within the tolerances reduces the values of the workpiece error of locating, which makes it possible to reduce the requirements for the accuracy of the devices reasonably.
accuracy, error, macro-deviations, tolerances, shapes, analysis, location vees
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