Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The aim of our research is to study the interaction of energy foundations with the ground mass and to develop methods for their construction on the example of the city of Perm. Field studies of ground were carried out in a specially chosen pilot site to determine temperature distribution in the ground mass, change of ground-water level and physical-mechanical and thermal-physical characteristics of the ground mass. The diagrams of depth temperature distribution in the ground and its seasonal variations were obtained on the results of monitoring, and also the average groundwater level. To carry out numerical simulation, software-complex “GeoStudio” was selected. Its basic differential equation is the fundamental heat conduction equation with an internal heat source. The purpose of the numerical simulation was quantitative evaluation of the thermal energy extracted from different energy foundations under soil conditions in the city of Perm. By results of the spent numerical experiments the equations of regress and nomographs dependences of size of received thermal energy on geometrical parameters of the projected power bases to hydro-geological and climatic conditions of the Perm region are constructed

geothermal ground energy, ground thermal energy, energy foundation

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