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Abstract (English):
Natural fodder lands are the main base for providing animal husbandry with the necessary voluminous fodder. On their area, different types of feed are produced, including for feeding during the stall period. The article presents the current state of long-term experience, which has been going on for 88 years without changing the scheme. The scheme of the experiment included different doses of lime and fertilizer and three modes of use (blocks). The composition of vegetation during regular mowing of green mass against the background without the use of fertilizer is represented by a cereal-legume-forbs type, and against the background of fertilizer application, it is a cereal-forbs type of formations. The protected regime (block without use) against the background of small doses of lime leads to overgrowing with shrubs and forests. Only the aftereffect of high doses of lime, which leads to a weak acidity of the soil, contributes to the preservation of meadow vegetation.

long-term experience, doses and forms of lime, fertilizers, mode of use, phytocenosis
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