, Russian Federation
UDK 343.98 Криминалистика. Криминалистическая техника и тактика
Law enforcement practice reveals difficulties in establishing a wide range of circumstances in investigating and solving crimes committed in the sphere of agro-industrial complex. The reality requires the participation of the executive authorities’ officials in monitoring and supervising subjects involved in this area. The purpose of the study is to analyse the problematic aspects of determining forms and kinds of interaction in investigating and solving crimes. The author also substantiates the need to combine different methods and means in investigating and solving crimes committed in the agro-industrial complex. The analysis is based on the systematic approach, as well as on the methods of analogy, documents examination. The patterns of investigating and solving crimes committed in the agro-industrial complex predetermine the need to clarify certain theoretical provisions related to highlighting forms and types of interaction. The peculiarity of interaction seems to be in a rational combination of means and methods that law enforcement agencies’ and state bodies’ officials monitoring and supervising agro-industrial activities are endowed with. The formation of scientifically-based recommendations related to the research subject is build upon the specifics of the legal, organizational and tactical aspects of interaction at the departmental and interdepartmental levels.
crimes investigation, sphere of the agro-industrial complex, subjects of interaction, forms of interaction, control and supervisory authorities
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