Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The report of the inspection of the load-bearing building structures of the puppet theater building was analyzed. During the analysis, it was revealed that the operational reliability and durability of the building structures basically do not meet the requirements of the current regulatory documents. During the inspection of the technical condition, defects were identified that were acquired at the stage of building construction and during operation. Based on the instrumental examination of the building's load-bearing structures, a conclusion was made on the operational reliability and recommendations were given for further normal operation. Measures have been developed to improve the technical condition of the research object. Proposed: to ensure the normative technical condition of water-bearing communications; perform a waterproof coating of sidewalks; provide for maintaining the required temperature and humidity conditions in the premises, basements and technical undergrounds; transform the system for collecting wastewater from the ceiling of the open gallery; protect from atmospheric influences the joints of the steel beams of the gallery ceiling with columns; perform corrosion protection of steel structures; perform a set of works to protect the structures of the building and the outer walls of the technical underground from moisture; perform a set of works to protect against moisture the base of foundations, composed of subsidence soils; organize continuous monitoring of the state of the building with the maintenance of a log of observations.

Puppet theatre, load-bearing structures, analysis of the technical condition, defects, operation, measures, protection of the building from moisture.

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