Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
One of the main areas of the economy currently is the development of innovative businesses. To help with this, the state is using direct and indirect methods of support and tax incentives for science, technology and innovation businesses. Tax incentives have become one of the main tools of innovation policy of developed countries, which are used not only to support and stimulate innovation, but also to create a favorable national environment in order to attract foreign R & D. Tax incentives are one of the most flexible tools. The system of tax incentives does not require the creation and maintenance of a separate administrative apparatus, since it is based on the existing tax system, which reduces the costs of its application to public authorities. Tax incentives are more efficient due to the stability of tax benefits in comparison to direct subsidies, since the levels of subsidization are reviewed annually and may vary considerably, and the tax rates change much less frequently. In modern conditions high expectations are associated with medium and small innovative enterprises at universities and research institutes, they play the role of the engine of the country in an innovative track of development. Thanks to this special purpose medium and small enterprises have tax benefits that would increase their investment attractiveness. The needs of innovative businesses at universities and research institutes are reflected in the Tax Code of Russia. For example, the recently adopted amendments to Article 346.12 of the second part of the Tax Code, which increase the possibility of small innovative enterprises on the use of different tax regimes and tax benefits. However, small and medium-sized innovative enterprises have still many problems, most of which are associated with funding sources.

business innovation, small innovative enterprises, tax incentives for innovative firms, tax incentives

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