Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In conditions of economic security and geopolitical turbulence, the expected need for food and the expected need of the population for food. The authors of the study dealing with digitalization in agriculture proposed as a solution, which made it possible to solve the problem of import substitution and increase the efficiency of the agro-industrial complex of the regions of the Russian Federation using new technologies and new approaches to the participation of market participants. Despite the positive correlation that exists between agricultural production and food demand in the regions of the Russian Federation, food systems cover. The article is devoted to the history of domestic and foreign experience in the formation of “Agriculture 4.0” in the regions of Russia to ensure a technological breakthrough, as well as an important problem and prospects for the development of digitalization of the heritage of the agro-industrial complex. In the study, the authors identified the prerequisites for the formation and development of a “smart developed economy” in the regions of the Russian Federation in the conditions of the agro-food revolution 4.0 in the Russian Federation and in the world, which is primarily associated with global climate problems, a shortage of agricultural products and minor urbanization processes, as well as rapid population growth while scooping. resources.

food security; sustainable development; agriculture 4.0; precision farming; digitalization; agroecology; region; regional socio-economic complex

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