, Russian Federation
, Russian Federation
UDK 633.37 Прочие кормовые бобовые
Abstract. The purpose of the research is to conduct a comparative study of lotus corniculatus samples with the Smolenskiy 1 standard, as well as with the average yield of green mass according to experience. It is necessary to identify the most productive and adapted to the conditions of the Smolensk region variety numbers for further transfer to the next stage of breeding study. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that the results of adaptability in terms of green mass yield were studied for the first time in the breeding nursery of the Federal Research Center for Bast Fiber Crops on lotus corniculatus crops. Methods. The indices of plasticity (bi), stability (Sd2), genetic flexibility ((Ymin + Ymax)/2), stress resistance (Ymin – Ymax), coefficient of variation (V), coefficient of adaptability (CA), coefficient of equalization (E), yield range (d). The soil of the site is sod-medium podzolic with an average humus content of 2.3, P2O5 222–240 mg/kg, K2O 102–170 mg/kg of soil, salt extract pH 4.9–5,4. Weather and climatic conditions for 2017–2020 were different, so HTC 1,2–2,4; SAT 2200–2400 °C. Results. Of the 16 cultivars, the most productive were E-25 (59.3 t/ha) and E-49 (48.1 t/ha). The numbers E-8, E-11, Smolenskiy 1, E-6, E-9, E-50 and E-25 have increased stress resistance (–18.8 ...–28.8 t/ha). The best indicator of genetic flexibility is in E-25, E-10, E-16 (52.4 t/ha, 48.8 t/ha and 45.5 t/ha). The most plastic samples are E-19 (1.09), E-50 (1.05), E-16 and E-26 (1.02), E-6 (0.99). In the experiment, E-26 (6.27), E-47 (7.67), E-16 (8.43) and E-6 (8.47) are more stable. High adaptability was shown by E-25, E-11, E-10, E-49 with a coefficient of KA = 1.31...1.06. E-9, E-10, E-12, Smolenskiy 1, E-47, E-25, E-16, E-6 have good agronomic stability, E-26 with a coefficient E = 80.4...70.1%. A comprehensive analysis of the indicators made it possible to identify the most valuable lotus corniculatus cultivar for further reproduction and transfer to the next stage of breeding study: E-6, E-9, E-10, E-11, E-12, E-16, E-19, E-25, E-26, E-47, E-49.
lotus corniculatus, yield, adaptability, variety, variety number
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