Scientific and production Association «Eco hydrogen peroxide»
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Hydrogen peroxide, a unique low molecular weight compound, largely determines the physiological and biochemical processes of living nature. Peroxide exists in nature and can be determined in pure natural waters. There are more and more reports on the use of peroxide in the practice of agriculture and medicine. A nature-like technology has been developed and an installation has been created for producing an environmentally friendly aqueous solution of hydrogen peroxide (eco-peroxide) without stabilizers. The method is similar to the action of a lightning discharge. Its growth-regulating activity was studied on three plant species under stressful cultivation conditions: 1. Minimum humidification of the air 2. Minimum soil moisture in a confined space. It has been shown that a solution of ecoperoxide stimulates the growth and development of plants at a certain concentration of hydrogen peroxide in the solution, namely 3.5∙10-5 M, solutions of ecoperoxide with a higher concentration of hydrogen peroxide block the growth and development of plants. The PMR method demonstrated changes in the structure of intracellular water under the action of hydrogen peroxide. Ecoperoxide promotes a more bound state of water protons in plant cells, an increase in the amount of water associated with cellular structures. Ecoperoxide promotes the survival of plants under stress conditions, increases the physiological status of the plant, which is largely determined by an increase in the amount of bound intracellular water.
hydrogen peroxide, nature-like technologies, eco-peroxide, biological activity, stress
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2. Duglas U. Celitel'nye svoystva peroksida vodoroda. SPB-Piter, 2004, 180 s. @@Douglas W. Healing properties of hydrogen peroxide. SPB-Peter, 2004, 180 p. (In Russ.)
3. Komissarov G.G. Fotosintez: fizikohimicheskiy podhod. M.: Editorial URSS, 2003, 223 s. @@Komissarov G.G. Photosynthesis: a physicochemical approach. M.: Editorial URSS, 2003, 223 p. (In Russ.)
4. Strebkov D.S., Budnik M.I., Apasheva L.M., Lobanov A.V., Ovcharenko E.N., Vigdorchikov O.V., Turbin V.V. Sposob i ustroystvo polucheniya ekologicheski chistogo rastvora peroksida vodoroda iz vody Mezhdunarodnaya zayavka na izobretenie № RST/RU2020/000364 @@Strebkov D.S., Budnik M.I., Apasheva L.M., Lobanov A.V., Ovcharenko E.N., Vigdorchikov O.V., Turbin V.V. Method and device for producing an environmentally friendly solution of hydrogen peroxide from water.International application for invention No. PCT / RU2020 / 000364 (In Russ.)
5. Lobanov A.V., Rubcova N.A., Vedeneeva N.I., Komissarov G.G. Fotokataliticheskaya aktivnost' hlorofilla v obrazovanii peroksida vodoroda v vode. Dokl RAN, 2008, tom 421, № 6, s. 773-776. @@Lobanov A.V., Rubtsova N.A., Vedeneeva N.I., Komissarov G.G. Photocatalytic activity of chlorophyll in the formation of hydrogen peroxide in water. Dokl. RAS, 2008, vol. 421, no. 6, pp. 773-776. (In Russ.)
6. Apasheva L.M., Komissarov G.G. Sposob zaschity rasteniy ot zasuhi. Patent RF 423813, 2011. @@Apasheva L.M., Komissarov G.G. Method of protecting plants from drought. RF Patent 423813, 2011. (In Russ.)
7. Apasheva L.M., Lobanov A.V., Komissarov G.G. Izmenenie struktury vnutrikletochnoy vody. V s'ezd biofizikov Rossii, 2015, t. 2. @@Apasheva L.M., Lobanov A.V., Komissarov G.G. Changes in the structure of intracellular water of the. V Congress biophysicists of Russia, 2015, vol. 2. (In Russ.)