The study of the Spirulina platensis batch culture growth in the different spectral composition of the led radiation in the plane-parallel photobioreactors was carried out. The powerful (50 W) warm, cold light, and phyto LEDs were used in the experimental variants. The grid of 10 fluorescent lamps TDM Electric 18 W were used in the control variant as the light source. It is shown that the maximum productivity of the S. platensis does not depend on the led emission spectrum and was 0.37 g SW·l-1·d-1. In the control variant the maximum productivity was 30 % lower. The maximum value of the S. platensis biomass is achieved by using a powerful led of cold light. In the linear growth phase, the calculated efficiency of the light energy conversion (the efficiency photobiosynthesis): for the phyto led this value was minimal and equivalent to 1.67 %; for the warm led the value was maximum and equivalent to 6,47 %.
photoautotrophs, batch culture, maximum productivity, photobiosynthesis, powerful led
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